Our elegant advertising media 



Our mission is to create an optimal writing advertising medium. For this we use the most innovative and modern finishing park in Europe. We are happy to share our many years of experience with you to ensure satisfaction in the long term. In order to achieve the best printing results it may be necessary to underlay the print with white or to implement a double print. In these cases we will coordinate additional printing costs with you.

Depending on colour or material (transparent housing) we recommend the use of printing inks with a high contrast to the color of the pen. This optimizes visibility and the legibility of the print.

The durability of printing inks on plastic models can be not compare with the special surface qualities of metal writing instruments or rubberised soft-touch surfaces. The printing results on these surfaces are basically stable, but higher abrasion probabilities apply and a lower scratch resistance than prints on plastics. 

At the end of the day – and thank goodness for it – much remains a matter of personal preference. Which is why we recommend that you simply make up your own mind – then place an order today for samples of your favourite! Our team will be delighted to help you with any questions you may have.



